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Subang 2 Subang Jaya TSB Sungai Buloh Kampung Baru Subang U9

MYR RM16,800

Selangor 40000 Malaysia

Warehousefor Rent Added Date 30 November, 2020


Property Type Warehouse
Size (square feet) 25000
Category for Rent
Price RM16,800
Land Area
Partly Furnished
Property Description

Kampung Baru Subang Factory  for Rent

Land  Size : 30,000 sqft
Built up : 25,000 sqft
Flat Land
Electricity: 100amp (increas to 200amp)
The Subject land is located beside road, near ECONSAVE.

For more information, please call 
Jay 019-633 7222
(24 Hours Service)

Location / Property Address
1, Jalan Merah Kesumba U9/18, Sungai Buloh, Selangor
Listing 148 of 517 in this location