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Bidor Berjaya Business Centre

MYR RM2,200,000

Perak 35500 Malaysia

Shop Officefor Sale Added Date 9 July, 2019


Property Type Shop Office
Size (square feet) 0
Category for Sale
Price RM2,200,000
Number of Floors 3
Land Area
Property Description

3 Storey shops (2 units) at Bidor (Berjaya Business Centre) – Centrally Located

- 2 units of 3 storey shop-office consisting of a corner and adjoining intermediate unit;

- Within 10 metres from Bank Simpanan Nasional / Kentucky Fried Chicken / Berjaya Service Centre / KTC Hotel / Mei Wah Food Court / Teachers Hostel and various restaurants;

- The shops are next to the main road (PLUS interchange to Bidor Town and onwards to the KL – Ipoh – Teluk Intan trunk road);

- Excellent location with ample visibility;

- There is ample parking;

- Drop off point for Express buses is about 15 metres from the Shops;

- Construction of the biggest Food Court in Bidor (which is next to the Shops) shall commence soon;

- Ideal for fast food restaurants, Speedmart99, Segi Fresh, Mr DIY, Banks etc.

Price : RM2.2 Million (Corner unit) RM1.4 Million (Intermediate unit)

Please Contact : Ms Ika / Ms Rose / Ms Samantha at 05-434 8188 / 9188 (9am to 6pm)


Location / Property Address
Bidor Berjaya Business Centre
Listing 1 of 22 in this location