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Bangsar Trade Center

MYR RM1,900

Kuala Lumpur 59200 Malaysia

Re-advertised Sohofor Rent Added Date 2 November, 2021


Property Type Soho
Size (square feet) 542
Category for Rent
Price RM1,900
Bathrooms 1

Special Features

Convenience Stores
1 to 5 years
Property Description

Bangsar Trade Center (BTC) is located strategically located in the heart of KL city, facing the busiest road in Malaysia (Federal Highway). It's directly opposite Bangsar South and just one stop away from Mid Valley Shopping Center.

BTC has ample car parks, built-in LRT station and an address that says it all.

Call 012-5199778

Location / Property Address
Plaza Pantai, Off Jalan Pantai Baru, 59200 Kuala Lumpur
Listing 352 of 591 in this location