Chester Properties Sdn Bhd

Chester Properties Sdn Bhd

No.3-1,Jalan Metro Perdana Barat 2, Taman Usahawan52100 Kepong,Kuala Lumpur.

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Kuala Lumpur 52100 Malaysia

Apartmentfor Rent Added Date 19 January, 2020


Property Type Apartment
Size (square feet) 800
Category for Rent
Price RM850
Bedrooms 3
Bathrooms 2
Property Description

kepongmas -- specialist
800sf 3r+2b+ 1 or 2cp

-rm 800 to rm 850 basic unit.
-rm 900 to rm 950 (nice view-kepong,lake,the henge (water heater).
-rm 1000 to rm 1100 kitchen cabinet ,grille, water heater.
-rm 1200 to rm 1400 add fridge,washing machine,air-cond.
- 24 hrs security.
-photos are for illustration purpose
-call now for more information
pls contact Ms lim tel: 017-9772371

Location / Property Address
Jalan Ambong 2, Taman Metro Prima, Kuala Lumpur
Listing 1 of 591 in this location