Felicia Chin

Felicia Chin

Batu Pahat

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Batu Pahat

MYR RM3,000

Johor 83000 Malaysia

Shop Officefor Rent Added Date 28 September, 2023


Property Type Shop Office
Size (square feet) 7440
Category for Rent
Price RM3,000
Number of Floors 3
Bathrooms 2

Special Features

Land Area
Partly Furnished
Property Description

Bandar Penggaram, Batu Pahat, Johor - New commercial property & shop office for rent

BP Avenue - Third Floor

Brand new five storey corporate office located in the dynamic Central Business District at Jalan Abdul Rahman, Batu Pahat, Johor.

The property is situated nerby goverment organisations, more than 100 units of SMEs (small and medium - sized enterprises) and 10 financial & investment institutions within 2km radius distance.

Stylish exterior design and spacious interior layout, with comprehensive facilities are provided: 

* Private sheltered and public car-park

* Built-in elevator

* 24 hours security patrolling services and with CCTV are installed at common area 

Call Felicia (013-6879796) for property-visit appointment

Location / Property Address
BP Avenue, Jalan Abdul Rahman, Bandar Penggaram, 83000 Batu Pahat, Johor
Listing 86 of 142 in this location